
Consular certificate

Consular certificate

Consular certificate is a document, issued by the consular officer of the embassy, which certifies the fact known to the consular officer, which is based in Lithuanian Law, registries of Lithuanian institutions, etc. We can issue the consular certificate in Lithuanian or English. Consular certificate is valid without legalisation. Usually consular certificates are issued about the criminal record in Lithuania, the impediment to get married, etc.

Document requirements:

  • The application form (in Lithuanian ONLY*). It has to contain full name, personal number (Lithuanian nationals only), residential address and phone number, email address, the type of the certificate requested and the intended use/ institution of the certificate, the requested language of the certificate, the means of collection of the certificate, the date of the application and your signature.
  • Passport. If applying by mail, notarized copy of your passport.
  • Consular fee. If applying by mail, we will email you the instruction for the EFT after we receive the application letter and notarised copy of your passport via mail.

* Lithuanian is the official language of the Republic of Lithuania. You may use any online language translation tools to understand the content of the form.