Plan for external consular missions
Consular missions
Consular missions are organized when there is a considerable need to perform consular functions outside the premises of diplomatic missions or consular posts of the Republic of Lithuania. Consular missions may be carried out in foreign countries where there is no mission, or in foreign countries whose accredited mission is located on the territory of another State, or in parts geographically distant from the state's representation.
During consular missions, Lithuanian citizens may submit documents on the exchange and issuance of passports and identity cards, on the entry in the accounts of civil status acts registered abroad (birth of a child, marriage, divorce) in Lithuania, the declaration of residence, consular registration, and other consular actions.
Attention! Consular actions carried out on external missions shall be subject to a 50 % increase in the consular fee for the consular act in question.
Excerpt from the 2024 plan for external consular missions*
*Note. More information about the consular mission of interest can be found on the website of the diplomatic mission or consular post of the Republic of Lithuania, which organizes it. This information is published 1-1.5 months in advance. until the date of organization of the consular mission. SUBSCRIBE TO THE Embassy NEWSLETTER
Place of mission Quarter of the year Mission Organizer
RSA, Cape Town IV Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the Republic of South Africa